Marriage Sharing | Married as One LLC

Don't let the #1 Cause of Divorce Ruin You Marriage

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This is us over 14 years ago on our wedding day.

Just as a vehicle relies on its manufacturer’s handbook for optimal performance, marriages find guidance in God as the ultimate designer, ensuring they thrive with purpose and fulfillment.

“Helping spouses create Gospel-centered marriages.”

The 3 E'S Every Marriage Needs

Is therapy worth it for couples?


Elevate your marriage by allowing God’s word to guide your path.

Marriage Chaplain


Seek expertise from experienced professionals.  You don’t have to face your troubles yourself.

Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Counseling Psychology
Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy
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“Transform your marriage with Jesus-centered guidance, expert experience, and inspired encouragement.”
– Chaplain Felice Mathieu –

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What is a Christian Marriage Intensive?

Home Getting Married Dating to Marriage Engaged Pre-Marriage Marriage Prep Married Life Communication Love Respect Coaching & Help FAQ Therapy Christian Marriage Coach Christian Marriage Community Community Community Partners Entertainment T.I.L.T. Resources Home Getting Married Dating to Marriage Engaged Pre-Marriage Marriage Prep Married Life Communication Love Respect Coaching & Help…

Can Christians Get Married After Divorce?

Yes, Christians can get married after divorce. However, the topic of divorce and remarriage within the Christian faith is a complex and often debated one. The answer to this question is not a simple "yes" or "no," as it depends on various factors and interpretations of biblical teachings.

How Do I Read the Bible in a Month?

In the Christian tradition, marriage is considered a sacred union between a man and a woman. Effective communication is essential for maintaining a healthy and loving relationship, as it allows spouses to understand each other's needs and concerns. Failure to communicate properly can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts that can…

How to Swipe on Tinder?

Swiping on Tinder is quite simple and straightforward. To swipe on Tinder, all you need to do is open the app and start swiping left or right on the profiles that appear on your screen. If you're interested in someone, swipe right; if not, swipe left. It's as easy as…

What Are Some Bible Verses About the Heart of a Woman?

One verse that specifically addresses the heart of a woman is found in Proverbs 31:10-31. This passage describes the characteristics of an excellent wife, or a wife of noble character. It emphasizes the importance of a woman's character and her dedication to her family and community. The virtuous woman described…